Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Full-Time RV Roller Coaster

Oh my, where to begin. It's been some time since I have posted and so much has happened. We sold our home and most of our possession. We bought an RV and will start our full-time RV life in about a week.

I will say it has been a roller coaster ride so far. Can you see me in this pic?

Finding the right RV in our price range was harder than selling our house. But we did and now we own "Loretta" .  We liked the name she was given by her previous owners so we will keep it.

Loretta is just our size. Small like us. Come to think of it, our house was small like us. If you are like me, you know a "good fit" when you find one and you grab it and hold on for dear life!

We have been spending the last two weeks outfitting Loretta for our travels. Just when we think we have everything we need, we read or do more research and there we are, out the door to buy something else.

I will say it has not been cheap getting the things she needs, such as leveler blocks, hoses, all shapes and sizes of bins. Oh, and I can't forget all the Command contact strips in every shape and size.

I have been a bit disappointed with this product. I've used it to hang picture frames only to have most of them fall off. I don't know if its the heat or what but the majority have fallen off. It's actually not that hot yet so if that is the reason I would not suggest this product.

It has been and I'm sure will always be a learning process. And we haven't even left the driveway!

I've have quit a few sleepless nights due to Fibro flares induced by stress. How this plays out on the road, I'm always fearful to find out. My hope is that once we get a routine going, things will settle down and so will my Fibro.

My goal is to learn to chill the f*ck out! Learn to not stress about the things I can not change and to enjoy and live in the moment. Yes....its a process.

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